There are many ways to improve your state of mental wellbeing. We often struggle with our mental health in times of stress and life’s difficulties, and guided journaling benefits you by putting you in charge of your body’s automatic stress and anxiety response.
Journaling helps to organize and create an easy channel for your thoughts to flow, as well as keeping your entire mind and body in a calm state. You may be familiar with the phrase “The pen is mightier than the sword”.
Well, the journaling pen is mightier than anxiety and stress.
Although it can increase our self-awareness, journaling doesn’t instantly change our situation. It simply allows us to step back and reflect. It takes our hundreds of scrambled thoughts and puts them neatly into our journal, where we can see and organize them.
It’s taking charge of your thoughts, which will reduce the stress and anxiety you feel. It makes you feel calm and collected, as opposed to feeling like your thoughts are bashing against the walls of your mind.
It’s putting your thoughts onto paper where you can see them, reflect, and change them if needed.
These journaling benefits overrides the body’s automatic stress response. Rather than being at the mercy of our negative thoughts and stressors, we write ourselves a new perspective and a new way of being.
Guided journaling is a major benefit for your mental health. It allows you to live in the moment, and not your mind.