by balancestress | Jun 28, 2017 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Holistic Therapy
The field of therapy is grounded in many different approaches, therapeutic models, and theories. Not one specific theory or model is going to work for each unique individual, couple, or family, so I find it useful to adapt to each client and work from an approach that... by balancestress | Jun 19, 2017 | Uncategorized, Yoga Therapy
When you think about your current romantic relationship, do you ever feel: Abandoned by friends or family? Almost as if your significant other is the only one who cares? Made to feel guilty when you tried to socialize with others? Worthless, or that your mistakes... by balancestress | Jun 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Reiki comes from the Japanese words Rei and Ki. A translation of the word Rei can be understood as Higher Power or God Wisdom. Ki can be understood as life force energy. Combined we understand Reiki as spiritual guidance of life force energy. Reiki uses the life force... by balancestress | Jun 13, 2017 | Music Thearpy
Have you ever been driving along in your car and on the radio you hear a song that suddenly pulls your mind in an unexpected direction? A feeling or a memory pops into your head because of a song you hear in passing? Have you ever found yourself tapping your toes to...
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