by Amy Schillinger | Apr 1, 2019 | Holistic Therapy, Meditation Tips, Stress Management Tips
With the changing of the seasons, and life’s curve balls, sometimes its easy to feel defeated. Perhaps, you haven’t even realized it’s gotten that bad, but you know something is just “off.” This happens to everyone. Don’t feel bad. Don’t think you’re alone. In fact,... by Amy Schillinger | Mar 2, 2019 | Holistic Therapy, Meditation Tips, Stress Management Tips
I just spent some time in this beautiful beach town in Tulum, Mexico. The first day I got to TuIum, I was tired from a 5am flight. By the time I got to my hotel I was STARVING and had not had enough coffee- coffee is life. And I arrived at my destination... by balancestress | Mar 24, 2018 | Holistic Therapy, Meditation Tips, Stress Management Tips
Have you ever had a part of you that you did not like? This “part” being some aspect that might include a pattern of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Maybe this looks like anger, anxiety, sadness, self-criticism, jealousy, insecurity, depression, or your self-image.... by balancestress | Mar 10, 2018 | Holistic Therapy, Meditation Tips, Stress Management Tips
I imagine every one has been in a funk sometime in their life….or maybe at least once a week!! Maybe even every day for awhile. It seems like nothing you do works out the way you want it too, and just when you think one more rotten thing can’t happen it does.... by balancestress | Feb 26, 2018 | ADHD Treatment, Meditation Tips, Stress Management Tips
It’s no secret that color can seriously affect your mood (we’ve previously explored how it can make you happier in your home, and highlighted the psychological merits of ROYGBV), but there are two colors in particular that can stimulate your creativity and... by balancestress | Feb 17, 2018 | Holistic Therapy, Meditation Tips, Stress Management Tips
Live within your means This isn’t a new idea, but I think it’s a wonderful place to start if you’re aiming for a simpler, less cluttered life. What “live within your means” implies for your home is this: Let the size of your home dictate how much stuff you have, and...
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